Ahoskie Church firmly believes in supporting missionaries and mission works; this is a fundamental aspect of the Great Commission. We believe it is vital for local churches to support the spread of the gospel all over the world. Below is information regarding specific mission works we support.
Cultivate Church (Athens, AL)

Joel and Melanie Franks are joint project (Alabama State Missions) church planters serving with BJ and Joann Eaton to plant a new church in Athens, Alabama. Joel comes to North American Ministries from a long and successful pastorate in Glasgow, Kentucky. He grew up in a church planting family and has had many years of experience in ministry. Athens is rapidly growing and is in close proximity to Huntsville, which is expected to be the largest city in Alabama in the near future. Please pray for the Franks family and their team as they plant a new church in this area.

BJ and Joann Eaton are joint project (Alabama State Missions) associate church planters serving with Joel and Melanie Franks to plant a new church in Athens, Alabama. BJ holds a degree in Police Administration and has worked full-time in law enforcement while serving part-time in ministry at the First FWB Church in Glasgow, Kentucky. In church planting, BJ will serve full-time in the ministry. Please pray for this new work and the Eaton family as they transition to this ministry.
You can support the mission work in Athens, AL by giving online here.
Matt & Cristina Price (France)

Matt and Cristina Price began their third term of service in France in 2014. They work in the Nantes Free Will Baptist Church, spearheading youth and children’s ministries. The Nantes church is situated near a major university that draws a large international student body. The Prices host Bible studies in English for these students.
Matt’s father led him to the Lord at the age of seven. Matt was baptized and later answered the call to full-time ministry at Goshen Free Will Baptist Church in Mt. Holly, North Carolina. While a student at Welch College, he realized God was leading him to minister to young people overseas. Cristina accepted the Lord at the age of six and was baptized by her father at her home church in Omaha, Nebraska. While pursuing a music degree at Welch College, Cristina answered the call to foreign missions during her freshman year.
The Prices were appointed as career missionaries in the December 2002 session of the Board of Foreign Missions. They left for Albertville, France, in May 2005. After a year of language and cultural acquisition, they relocated to Nantes, where they continued their studies and participated in ministry in the Nantes FWB Church. During their second term of service, they hoped to plant a new church, but field needs lead to them continuing their work with the Nantes congregation.
Matt and Cristina have twin daughters—Madeleine and Emilie—born in St. Herblain, France, September 2009.
You can support Matt & Cristina by giving online here.